CCG Weighing gives you quality control for equipment and procedures. We use MiracleService for certification documents, service contract management and document management. Just tell us about your needs and we can help. Also on this page are moisture balances and scales for oven-dry moisture tests.
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Online certification document management saves time and money by eliminating the need for paper certificates. Using digital certificate management, records can be pulled on demand. This allows everyone to get exceptional customer service. Select and buy it in the Caribbean from CCG Weighing.
Although these moisture balances measure bulk moisture, what is needed for concrete applications is SSD (Saturated, Surface Dry) moisture. Unless used very carefully, these scales boil off too much moisture for SSD results. We recommend moisture sensors such as Scale-Tron’s Aquasense sensors in the sand bins or a full oven-dry test with weighing of the sand/aggregate before and after. See below.
In a concrete plant we have a need to measure moisture by Oven-Dry testing. The QC lab measures the weight loss of a known sample of sand or aggregate by drying it to Saturated Surface Dry conditions. You can use this test to calibrate an on-line moisture meter for quality control. Weigh about 2 lb (1 kg) of material and then place it in a metal pan. Heat it until you reach SSD conditions. Weigh the pan again. The weight loss and the final weight is used in a formula to work out the % moisture.